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Sims 5 Update – To Arrive In 2019?

As far as it seems, 2017 is a year of news and rumors about sequels. After we rumored a bit about the future of the Grand Theft Auto series, now it’s time to pay attention to The Sims 5. This is the future sequel to come to the popular…

Mass Effect Andromeda DRM Leaks

The famous gaming website: Dark Side of Gaming noticed that the latest patch of Mass Effect: Andromeda for PC’s no longer has Denuvo anti-tamper protection. The game is not the only high-profile one to renounce Denuvo’s protection and…

The Sims 5 To Come in 2019

It seems that 2017 is the year of sequel news and rumors. After the uncertain, but somewhat set future of the next installment in the Grand Theft Auto Series, now it’s time for a bit more news on The Sims 5, the possible follow up to the…