Life & Technology

Users Encounter Bixby 2.0 Issues After Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ Android Pie Upgrade


Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ phones were finally upgraded to Android Pie OS from Android Oreo. However, it appears that this update came with some disadvantages as well. Many users reported that version 2.0 of Bixby is not working properly. They also claim that Bixby 1.0 worked just fine on the previous Android version.

Bixby issues

Bixby had its problems since the start, so the new issues shouldn’t really surprise us. In fact, the company admitted that the assistant is not equipped to deal with all the different English pronunciations. As a result, it was recommended that users use solely the typed-in commands. Things were alright for a while, until the latest Android update was released.

The Android Pie came at the same time as the Bixby 2.0 update. It appears that the update is what affected Bixby. According to several reports, Bixby is not responding to many commands. Those who observed these issues believe that Samsung rushed the updates. Many feel that the company should have spent more time to prepare things through.

It is believed that Samsung did not test the updates before they were released, and it appears that they should have been released in January 2019. Since the updates came earlier, this might be the reason why they weren’t prepared properly.

If you have a Samsung Galaxy S9 or a Samsung Galaxy S9+ and you haven’t installed the updates yet, you might want to wait a bit more. At the moment Android Oreo appears to be safer and you should wait until Android Pie is stable enough. It is very likely that Samsung will release a patch that will fix the issues of Bixby 2.0. However, we have to wait a little longer for that.

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