Life & Technology

The Sims 4 Next New Stuff Pack Will be Released in 2018


The Sims 4 fans will have to wait for the new Stuff Pack until 2018. We found this after we saw a post in the Sims’ Community Blog where the survey for a name to give for this pack showed an image. In that image, there were some laundry items in the game with the title being “SP13”. Those who were a little more alert realized that the pack’s name stands for Stuff Pack 13, since the Toddler Pack was number 12.

So the Eco Living Stuff Pack is number 13 and is supposed to appear in a release later in 2018.

This means that in between this period and 2018 Eco Living Stuff Pack release there won’t be another pack to introduce to players. So Sims 4 fans will have to do with what the developers have launched so far: Toddler Stuff, Fitness Stuff, Bowling Night Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff, Backyard Stuff, Kids Room Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, Spooky Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff and Luxury Party Stuff.

Cats & Dogs Expansion Will be Released in November

If you want more content and some different features, you should wait for November 10 when the Cats & Dogs expansion will be released. It is now available for preorders on the official Sims website and it will come with offers to get more packs such as the ones with vampires or spas.

Other packs or expansions haven’t been announced. As to another Sims, The Sims 5 is not officially announced and although a lot of fans wish for a new game in the series, with Maxis Studios shut down and the official statement they made according to which The Sims 5 will not be developed if The Sims 4 won’t have great sales, we kind of lost any hope that was left.

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