Life & Technology

iPhone X Visuals Available on Your Older Device with Tweak


Jailbreaking fans are living hard days and many have rushed to say that jailbreak is officially over. While it is true that Apple made it almost impossible to crack the latest IOS versions, and jailbreak is not as essential as it used to be in the past, the community hasn’t abandoned it yet. While we only have some jailbreaks for older versions and there have been some news about a IOS 11 jailbreak (that is not available for the public), there are some other ways to bring small enhancements to your device. Today we will talk about one tweak that will upgrade the aesthetics of your device.

Get the iPhone X looks on your device

Right now iPhone X is the hottest Apple product. However, it is the most expensive Apple handset as well. This means that not everyone will be able to purchase it. But this does not mean that you can’t get the aesthetics of this phone. If you use a jailbroken device, you can get switcherRadii. This tweak will allow you to give your device a makeover. However, this will be solely visual, so do not expect any new features.

Rounded corners

With this tweak you will receive a small but effective change. The multitasking function of IOS 10 will come with rounded corners, just like the ones that are available with iPhone X. You can get this by simply downloading the app, and you do not need to go through any complicated processes.

Another advantage is that this tweak is completely free. Therefore, for many users it may be better to keep their jailbreak features, but have the iPhone X visuals as well. Besides, it is way cheaper than spending $1000 on the new device.

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