Life & Technology

Dead Space 4 Game to Be Released in 2018


The first Dead Space game was launched back in 2008 and it continue to receive some sequels over the years. While we did have some doubts whether Dead Space 4 will every become a reality, the team has confirmed that they did not forget about it. Now it appears that fans can expect the fourth game in the series, and right now it is anticipated that it will be released next year.

Dead Space 4 release date

The last Dead Space game was released back in 2013, which means that fans have been waiting for a sequel for almost five years. If we look at the timing, it is safe to say that this is the ideal moment to receive Dead Space 4, but we have other believable sources that suggest the same thing.

Gamespot indicates that the team is currently working at the game, which means that it shouldn’t take long until it is released. We also received some official information from Steve Papoutsis, the general manager of Visceral Games. He talked about his team working on Battlefield Hardline, which Papoutsis considered to be a “good break” from the usual things. However, that is also when he mentioned that players can expect a new game.

“Many, many people here at Visceral have a warm spot in their heart for Dead Space, and right now we’re busy with Hardline and…other things,” … “but it’s definitely something we’d love to look at again (…) There’s definitely a lot of interest internally for us to pick that up again at a future date,” Steve Papoutsis declared.

It appears that the Dead Space series is a “loved” one at Electronic Arts and this can only make Dead Space fans happy, since it appears that the team is taking this seriously and they are doing their best for the upcoming game.

Judging these declarations, it is safe to say that the game will hit the shelves sometime in 2018. Although it has been believed that we might receive it in 2017, it is very unlikely that we will see Dead Space 4 this year, considering the fact that it is already November.

One problem could be the fact that EA decided to close Visceral Games, the Dead Space studio. However, we hope that this game will be picked up by a different team, just like it is supposed to happen with the Star Wars game. We do hope that the fact that the studio closed won’t mean that the Dead Space series will be abandoned for good.

Dead Space 4 plot

Many fans are wondering how the next game will look like. It looks like the developers might have some surprises prepared. Various reports indicate that players will have to deal with a new breed of Necromorphs, as well as a plot that is different from the previous games.

This could certainly make the game more interesting and it will bring something new to it. New Necromorphs could have some unexpected strengths that will make Dead Space 4 more challenging than the previous versions.

The Dead Space series

The games in the series created by Glen Schofield were generally met with critical acclaim and they managed to sell well. The Dead Space universe also contains comic books and other media, and we can expect more in the future.

The Dead Space games a science fiction third person shooters and they all follow Isaac Clarke, an engineer who has to fight reanimated human corpses that are named Necromorphs. The games take place in different sci-fi settings, from different planets to various space stations.

  1. Dylan Hayden says

    After Dead Space 3, and ESPECIALLY after the Visceral Studios shutdown, I don’t want nor need another Dead Space.

    The only thing I would *want* is if a crew from Visceral got together and made a spiritual successor under not EA

    1. Harry Miller says

      I wouldn’t mind seeing one more from EA (not gonna happen, I know) just to finish the Isaac story. Or even a DLC with a few maps that finishes the story. Other than that… yeah, time to either let it be or for someone else to pick up the story with a kind of successor.

  2. Meva says

    I never tire of playing the Dead Space games. I just keep coming back for more. I can’t understand why this fantastic series has just seemed to die. There are so many of us who would love a DS4.

    1. Valter Dante Solymosi says

      I hope we will get a Dead Space 4 and alongside it a Dead Space Trilogy remaster

  3. Mark Bardwell says

    Downvote for uninformed and overly optimistic speculation. Visceral Games had already been shut down before the article was written.

  4. kotormaster1975 says

    if it was closer to the time the last dead space 3 dlc came out i wouldnt mind a new dlc to finish off the story but now if they ever finish the story it would have to be a dead space 4 but the unfortunate truth is this is one story that will be left unfinished they say it’s a favourate of theres but i can tell they don’t give 2 damns about it otherwise surely they would’ve done it by now or at least finished the story off with a dlc i hate to say it but RIP dead space it was excellant while it lasted 🙁

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