Life & Technology

Chrome Update Comes With Autoplay Version


Google has always tried to better user’s experience, especially on web. To make sure users are content with Google Chrome, the Californian-based company has added a new feature to the latest Chrome version. This update will save users the trouble of installing an additional add block app on their PC or mobile devices.

No more audio play for Chrome’s Media Playback

Chrome’s new feature implies that while browsing webpages, users do not have to put up with media playback starting out of nowhere. Now we can forget about adverts popping and consuming our internet data and bothering us with the audio.

This is also good news for libraries which are known for the famous rule of maintaining the silence so that everyone gets to focus on their studies.

The new feature will mean more control against autoplay. It will be implemented on Chrome 64 and users will be able to decide if they want to play the media or if they want to listen to the audio. This is available for both PC and mobile devices, in an attempt in implementing a consistent behavior across all platforms.

The Chrome 63 version will be different

The 63 version of Chrome will work differently. It will use a mute option for Autoplay blocking. This option will allow users to feel more in charge and advertisers are encouraged to used videos with no audio, instead of Gifs.

A media engagement index (MEI) will also be used to implement the media consumption per individual, available only on PC for now. MEI will use vital monitoring stats which is equal to an accurate autoplay blocking. The MEI also means that it will have a greater playback threshold for media on website which are video-centric.

In conclusion, Google is well aware of what users want and need.

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